Photoseed soy
A better bean for everyone
Used for food, feed and fuel, soybeans are one of the planet’s most important agricultural crops with skyrocketing demand. However, misaligned incentives across the value chain limit the crop’s ability to meet future challenges.
As innovation has prioritised “field yields”, soy protein levels have consistently declined over the past decade. With increased demand for both oil and protein, additional production often comes at the cost of a larger environmental footprint.
PhotoSeed soy is a better bean that maintains modern field yields and improves processing and nutritional yields with fewer inputs on a smaller environmental footprint.
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Challenge: Food vs Fuels
Demand from renewable energy drives up food costs with not enough sustainable feedstock
PhotoSeed Soy: Higher Oil with Lower Carbon Intensity
PhotoSeed soybeans have 22-23% oil versus 18-20% in commodity beans; providing feedstock security while improving processing margins
Challenge: Deteriorating Soy Meal Quality
Industry protein standards for soybean meal dropped from 48% to 46%, driving up cost and lowering sustainability of feed
PhotoSeed Soy: Higher Protein Meal
Reversed a decade of quality decline by increasing protein and lowering carbohydrates
Challenge: Worsening Sustainability of Soy
Insatiable demand for soy means new acreage comes at the expense of of forest and pasture lands
PhotoSeed Soy: Improved Sustainability
Fueled by increased carbon capture in the field, nutritionally enhanced PhotoSeed soy reduces land use requirements, improves feed conversion, and lowers overall carbon intensity
Challenge: Fragmented Value Chain
Volume-driven business with disparate incentives results in a race to the bottom mentality
PhotoSeed Soy: Harmonized Value Chain
Harmonized value chain that aligns and improves economics for growers and partners while offering more sustainable and affordable nutrition for consumers
Let’s Build a NewType Tomorrow
We’re building a more equitable and resilient agricultural system on a smaller environmental footprint, but we can’t do it without your help.