ZeaKal and Perdue AgriBusiness Collaboration FAQ
How will the ZeaKal and Perdue Agribusiness Collaboration help soybean farmers? The demand for vegetable oil and protein is at an all-time high. Processors, livestock companies, and food ingredient companies seek more nutritionally dense and sustainable feedstocks. Farmers were historically compensated for their crops’ yield, which compelled R&D to prioritize yield at the expense of […]
Seed genetics improve protein sources for poultry feed
Successful Farming
ZeaKal and Perdue Agribusiness work for sustainable poultry
ZeaKal announces collaboration with Perdue AgriBusiness
SALISBURY, MD and SAN DIEGO, CA, May 10, 2022 – Illustrating a shared commitment to improve the value and sustainability of food production, Perdue AgriBusiness and ZeaKal announced a multi-year development agreement to raise more sustainable poultry through improved soy genetics and feed quality. ZeaKal’s PhotoSeed® trait technology increases photosynthetic capacity, converting more carbon dioxide […]